Sunday, December 28

I hear ye

Well, I've been waiting for the right time to finally make my debut post on this blog. Then I realized, there is no right time. This IS the right time!

So here I am. Taking a break from Queen's surprise [Which BTW, if you guys don't come, you'll never get to see!] and blogging.

Just to make sure everybody knows the schedule for the parliament meets going on this week.

Tomorrow, for those of you who are going to Vivian's Interact dinner thing, it's at Swinburne. Night time.

Monday, my house 1p.m. By all means, come earlier, I'll wake up just for you guys =)

Tuesday, school at around 9.30 I guess? We'll be taking tons of photos there with Queen just to make sure she doesn't forget what St Mary's looks like. Then we're going out to town until .... late!

We're obviously making sure Queen has no spare time in the 3 days that she's back here and with good reason too. I mean, you are coming back for us right? =D

There's one part of our history I'd like to recount with you guys. Remember the awesome performance we gave during School's birthday and the song we did for the competition and for Yasmin too?

I miss that. I mean, we rehearsed like twice, and went up there to give a performance that entertained everybody. Especially Queen who made everybody laugh at the end. Class spirit is hard to come by nowadays. Everybody is too busy with prefectorial stuff, competition stuff, academic stuff, leaving stuff...we rarely do anything as a class anymore.

Is this what they mean by growing up huh?


Anonymous said...

I'm FIRST. Hahaha. Yeah. . Although I said we seemed to do more t-o-g-e-t-h-e-r things now, it's also kinda true that we are all really busier than ever ho? I mean, 2008 is like really busy for all of us, that it's hardly we ca all sit down and talk for a long time in class. Even if we did, there would be people missing. Never as a whole parliament.

Wa, getting emotional now. LOL. Hahaha.

Aiyo, have to wake up early arr?

Sam said...

Yeah exactly. Always got people missing.
Especially me XD

Not emotional. CONTEMPLATIVE. LOL, sounds so old right?

And yes Chin. You do.

Anonymous said...

hahaha... remember the time when we practised in front of the audi and i jumped out at the wrong time?? IT WAS H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S!!!!!

ernasyafina said...

ds!!!!!!!! hillarious!!!!!! hahahahahah