The Royal Parliament Members
Queen Aishah D.S
The One and Only Queen of Malaysia
Aishah Nachair [Brunei]
Ok. Say, I'm also known as Shasha by SOME ppl, "ambassador" of the parliment in Brunei,am irrevoccably in love wit Tom Sturridge and am incredibly sarcastic to an extent that annoys everyone
Alexandra Lee [TPIS]
Taiwan celebrity expert.
Alicia Lim [SMS]
Super cute mummy crab.
Chin Ek Wei [SMS]
Besides being the Parliament's lazy most hardworking Basketball Trainer, I LOVE sleeping and eating. You can keep me happie by feeding me food and currently, I'm craving for CHEESE! I'm Chin, the FOOD LOVER =)
Elsie Bong [SMS]
Governer General and fashion obsessed.

Erna Syafina [SMS]
Erna Syafina I am.... :P
or Erna ....that works too..:)
but some of the parliaments call me Rotti!!
yes i lost the bet way back in form 1
got a problem with that??? -.-
yes I love unique stuff...RANDOM I LOVE...unplanned activities me likey...
weird stuff or extraordinary things excite me :)
lets just say i adore things that are just plain different ... ;D
to know me...u have to know us! the PARLIAMENT!
and..oh...i'm the queen's nutritionist/photographer!!!
Nicole Sim [SMS]
Obsessed with cute things and pulling sad faces.
Samantha Si [SMS]
Sam. Sammy. Samata. Take your pick. Resident FD to the Queen, also known for tying her hair during History, Geography [in F3] and B.M lessons.
The one with leaving issues and also the one who gives Queen "the look" whenever I don't agree with anything.
Seems to be jetsetting a lot lately and always missing out on stuff in school since I wasn't in class for half a year. Owner of the Green Notebook that contained the ever-famous "Hot Guy List" founded between Queen and myself.
The one who spread Twilight all over 3.1 but has since toned down on the whole Cullen is mine thing because atm, I LOVE THE PARLIAMENT MORE.

Vivian Kon [KHS]
Me, Vivian Kon Ching Sian, also Vivironic and Nicviviron. I'm the roach in the parliament, I'm queen's partner, I'm Sam the FD's darling.
After form 3, I kinda ditched the rest of the parliament and moved to kuching high =] You see, most of the picutres are without me, Sien-ness. LoL
My body is in kuching high, but my heart is in St Mary man. Still, I love heart suka cintai PARLIAMENT super sangat banyak lots.
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