Now im really looking for money to buy a return ticket and my period is late which makes me pms longer. I am was very looking forward for holiday and i even had 3 days extra holiday and i ended up grounded m grounded this holiday because my mum found out that ive not been studying (ive been telling this story a brizillion times) and ive gained weight. A LOT. But i managed to watch 17 again and this movie totally changed my point of view on Zac Efron. There's one part where he said the exact same script from high school musical - but ive completely forgotten about it.
The only movie that i managed to watch this holiday
He looks so much older now which is soo much hotterrThere's this another movie that im soo dying to watch. Well, there's actually a few movies that ive been planning to watch but failed - 17 Again
- Hannah Montana
- Jangan pandang belakang congkak
- Fighting
- Monster vs Alien
- Ku tunggu jandamu (indon)
And the top 4 movies were out on the same day.
But the one im really dying to watch is

Any idea to get fast cash??
Besides money, there's another thing that's been bothering me.
i so want to celebrate my birthday with you guys. but on the other hand i want to celebrate with my friends here too. its hard having two lives. My bday's in less than 2 weeks and i dunno what to do. i know its not that important but
it is important to me. i'll do anything to go back and celebrate with you guys but they've became an important part in my life too and im trying to fit in and be part of them. im really so very confused right now.
HELP??PS: and stop trying to jaga my hati. it gets really annoying. tell me whats happening around in ur school laa. it keks me more if you guys dont tell me. and when im annoyed i get bitchy. :(